Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Sometimes when I'm alone, I start thinking of deep of things around me. Random thoughts comes in my head. And sometimes random thoughts become poem.

It was a night at our company outing last December 12, 2015 when I decided to have a "me time". I went to the seaside and even though it's dark, I still went to walk. I even went around the resort while all of them, my office mates, are having fun. Well, it's "me time" oh right.

When I went back to our room, there I started typing on my phone this poem, which I then submitted to The Hopia Diaries in Twitter and it goes like this...


Sitting here all alone, in this sandy seaside
Closed eyes, listening to the tiny waves
Just sitting here thinking of nothing

I opened my eyes and looked up in the sky
Seeing this beautiful starry starry night
This time I thought of something

I wish you were here sitting beside me
Leaning your head on my shoulder
Telling you what happened to me this day

But these will all just be some wishful thinking
Not because you're not here now
But because you will never be by my side again.

I wanted my poem to be added to their collection of poems. I was quite inspired by poems posted by the admins of that Twitter page and some other people who also submitted their piece.

And so I waited the remaining days of December and nothing was posted. Feeling a bit frustrated, I didn't expect anymore. Maybe it's not good enough compared to their work and it's fine by me. I'll try again sometime. :)

Then January 5 came and I've gotten a notification that I was tagged on a tweet and boom! It's my poem! Yey! Happy me!

Here's the link to that tweet.

PS: During those times, I am an ALDUB fan. (rofl)

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