Tuesday, May 31, 2016

And here comes the rainy season~

"Rain rain go away! Come again some other day! Little children wants to play, rain rain go away!"

Above is one of the many songs which is famous among children, especially when it's summer time. Summer time is also vacation time for most children which are also students. It is the time when they can go outside all day just to play. Children are known for their almost unending stamina. They "never" get tired. They are unstoppable when playing! But there's one thing that can stop them. One thing that, even parents who are having a hard time dealing with their child, would never want it for them. And that thing is Sickness

In our times right now, it is hard to predict the weather. One time it's sunny, then suddenly it's rainy. Children, even though they have the energy, are the easy target of sickness especially when their immune system is weak.

Some parents tend to give their children enough food to eat. To some, enough food means enough nutrition. But in today's environment, it's not the case anymore. Food has been served with more preservatives than we know. Fruits and vegetables doesn't contain the same nutrients compared to few decades ago. Our surroundings are getting more polluted than ever. Our lifestyles are more likely becoming sedentary. Thus, even us adults are also prone to sickness. And this I can justify to this as I've observed some people getting sick because of the weather.

Rainy season has suddenly begun a few weeks ago following the beyond the record summer time. This resulted in sudden change in environment resulting to our body's sudden adjustment. For people who are taking care of their health regularly this adjustment is nothing, but for people who are not prioritizing the health are easily affected by these climate changes. Common colds, runny nose, viral infections, are just some of the common illnesses during the rainy seasons.

 We adults, not just children, may think that when we eat "enough", it will give us the right nutrition to strengthen our body's immune system but it's not. It will not.

In today's time, we must take a closer look at ourselves. Assess ourselves, our body. Is it healthy? Can it stand firmly in this weather? What does it need to be healthy again? Only us can answer these questions to ourselves.

Remember, life is too short to be living in sickness. Take care and live healthy!

Monday, May 30, 2016


Ask => Believe => Receive

We, as human beings, are always asking. May it be consciously or unconsciously.
As children, we are always asking about the things around us. "What's that called?", "Why are you sad?", "How does that happened?", etc. And we are continually asking throughout our lives. May it be questions that make us curious, it can also be things that we want. 

In Matthew 7:7(NKJV), it is stated that, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.". And in Matthew 21:22(NKJV), it is also stated that, "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

Looking at the first Bible verse, it is stated that we only have to "ask" and then we will "receive". While on the latter verse, it is stated that there should be a middle action, in which it is "believing".

In other references, believing can also be defined as "taking action". Without believing that you will receive what you've asked for, or without taking any action in line to the "things" you want, is like a wishful thinking.

Ask => Take Actions => Receive

As as example, when a person wants to be a good writer, he will first want it, ask for it. When he starts taking actions like reading famous writer's work, consistently writing and practicing, etc., taking actions toward becoming a good writer, sooner than later, he will be one.

Some people may become bored, tired, and hopeless along the way. The sole reason for this is simply because people starts thinking, "it's taking too long". That is why the middle stage of Ask-Believe-Receive is very important and a must. Believe in what you've asked for and you will receive whatever it is.

Sometimes, during the process, when there's only one more step, one more action to take before we get the thing(s) we want, we stop. Tired to go on but have the strength to go back. Remember, the temptation to quit or to stop is at it's greatest when what we've asked for is just around the corner.

"Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive." - Leah LaBelle

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

3 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy

Upon reading books and watching videos, I found out that there are 3 simple ways to stay healthy. But sometimes, these 3 ways are, although already common, still ignored.

simple ways to stay healthy
  • Avoid stress
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Proper Diet

Avoid Stress

Stress is almost everywhere nowadays. The noise of our neighbors from the time we wake up, to the things left unclean the night before. From the sudden unexpected traffic we encounter on our way to work, to having an unwanted overtime. Stress is everywhere. So if it's already there, accept it. Let it just passed through you. Don't let it sink within you. You don't have the whole day thinking about it and disregarding more important things to do. Avoid stress.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise doesn't mean you have to enroll to a gym class or zumba dance class and go to it at least 3x a week. Most people literally don't have "time" for such classes. So what can we do alternatively? Walking. Walking at least 30 mins a day can be an alternative regular exercise especially to those who are just sitting the whole day in their offices. Walking can also be a stress reliever when things are getting though at work! You avoid stress and you're exercising regularly.

Proper Diet

In our busy world today, time is very limited especially to does who work. Break times are very limited. From 10 mins mini breaks, to an hour of lunch time. So in times like this most people just tend to buy from fast-food chains. And because of this, people often find themselves with "more" time and will just use it for having short time naps. Remember, proper diet comes from proper food that we eat and what we eat is what we may become.

From the food we eat, we get nutrition. Nutrition goes into our cells.

Healthy Cells => Healthy Tissues => Healthy Organs => Healthy Body 

In short, keeping our cells healthy will, in turn, keep our body healthy!


Sometimes when I'm alone, I start thinking of deep of things around me. Random thoughts comes in my head. And sometimes random thoughts become poem.

It was a night at our company outing last December 12, 2015 when I decided to have a "me time". I went to the seaside and even though it's dark, I still went to walk. I even went around the resort while all of them, my office mates, are having fun. Well, it's "me time" oh right.

When I went back to our room, there I started typing on my phone this poem, which I then submitted to The Hopia Diaries in Twitter and it goes like this...


Sitting here all alone, in this sandy seaside
Closed eyes, listening to the tiny waves
Just sitting here thinking of nothing

I opened my eyes and looked up in the sky
Seeing this beautiful starry starry night
This time I thought of something

I wish you were here sitting beside me
Leaning your head on my shoulder
Telling you what happened to me this day

But these will all just be some wishful thinking
Not because you're not here now
But because you will never be by my side again.

I wanted my poem to be added to their collection of poems. I was quite inspired by poems posted by the admins of that Twitter page and some other people who also submitted their piece.

And so I waited the remaining days of December and nothing was posted. Feeling a bit frustrated, I didn't expect anymore. Maybe it's not good enough compared to their work and it's fine by me. I'll try again sometime. :)

Then January 5 came and I've gotten a notification that I was tagged on a tweet and boom! It's my poem! Yey! Happy me!

Here's the link to that tweet.

PS: During those times, I am an ALDUB fan. (rofl)

Vitamin Deficiency & Supplementation

According to wikipedia : "A vitamin deficiency can cause a disease or syndrome known as an avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis . This us...