Saturday, October 22, 2016


It's been a long time since I wrote something here. Hoho! Been "busy" at work. *code code code*

Right now, I'm thinking of something to write here but I can't seem to think of anything. Maybe I'll just share one of the poems I've made last year :D


Whenever I see you
I can't get enough of you
Thinking to myself, "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
Maybe it's simply because, God gave me you

Thinking of all what we've been through
Whether it's false or true
Every time I get a glimpse of you, one thing is for sure
All I can do is smile, and that is only because of you.

Disclaimer: I rarely make poems. It really depends on my mood, my surroundings, events, etc. It may depend on something I hear, see, feel.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Hypertension: The Silent Killer

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is defined in an adult as a blood pressure greater than or equal to 140 mm Hg systolic pressure or greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg diastolic pressure (140/90). High blood pressure directly increases the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke, especially along with other risk factors. 1

* Normal blood pressure

Systolic indicates the pressure in the ventricular contraction.
Diastolic indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats.

Stages of Hypertension

  • Prehypertension - This hypertension stage is defined as a systolic blood pressure between 120 and 139 or a diastolic pressure between 80 and 89. This can identify people who are at higher risk of having Hypertension.
    • Advice: Doctors can advice lifestyle change.

  • Stage 1 - If your systolic blood pressure is between 140 and 159 or your diastolic pressure is between 90 and 99. 
    • Advice: Doctors can advice lifestyle change, and some oral medications.

  • Stage 2 - If your systolic pressure is 160 or higher or your diastolic pressure is 100 or higher.
    • Advice: Immediate hospitalization.

Common Causes of Hypertension

  • A - Alcoholism
  • E - Excessive Caffeine
  • I - Improper Diet
    • High Sodium(Salty food) - leads to high water volume which leads to high heart pressure which leads to hypertension.
    • High Fat
    • High Cholesterol
  • O - Obesity
  • U - Unhealthy Lifestyle
    • S - Smoking
    • S - Stress
    • S - Sedentary Lifestyle

2 Types of Cholesterol

  • HDL - High Density Lipoprotein A.K.A Good cholesterol
  • LDL - Low Density Lipoprotein A.K.A Bad cholesterol
When LDL attaches to the blood wall, it results to blockage/plaque formation
  • If blockage is on the part going to the heart, a cardiac arrest may occur.
  • If blockage is on the part going to the brain, a stroke or CVA(cerebrovascular accident) may occur.
Also, plaque formation can lead to Atherosclerosis, which is the hardening/narrowing of the arteries.
And having Atherosclerosis, one can be prone to Aneurysm, which is the enlargement of the arteries which can lead to rupture.

Statins - oral medication which a doctor can prescribe. And because of it being potent, one side effect is, it can harm your liver cells which can cause liver problem. 

Signs and Symptoms

  • Blurry vision
  • Numbness in the shoulder area radiating to the left shoulder.
  • Body weakness
  • Difficulty in breathing*
  • Chest pain*
*frequent occurrence requires hospitalization.


  • Stroke (cerebrovascular accident)
  • Heart Attack
  • Cardiomegaly (heart enlargement)
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Aneurysm
  • Kidney failure
  • Blindness

Health Teachings

Reverse the CAUSES (A-E-I-O-U-S.S.S)
  • Avoid alcoholism
  • Limit caffeine intake
  • Watch your diet
    • Food low in sodium, fat, & cholesterol
  • Manage weight
  • Healthy Lifestyle
    • Stop smoking (gradual)
    • Manage stress (e.g. proper breathing exercise)
    • Diversional activities (e.g. exercise [walk for 30mins] )

USANA's Product Recommendation

  • Essentials
    • Renal vitamins (for kidney)
      • Vitamins B1, B2, B6, & B12
      • Vitamin C
      • Folic acid
      • Pantothenic acid
      • Niacin
      • Biotin
    • Hesperidin
      • Promotes heart muscle relaxation
    • Inositol
      • Can help lower bad cholesterol
    • PS: Do not give if client is taking Vitamin K antagonist
  • Proflavanol C100
    • Bioflavonoids
      • Lowers bad cholesterol
      • Dilates the constricted blood vessels
      • Strengthen blood vessels
      • Promote better blood circulation
  • BiOmega
    • Acts as a blood thinner
    • Dilute the plaque formation
  • CoQuinone 30
    • High in CoEnzyme Q10
    • Strengthen heart muscles


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Essentials™: What's in it for YOU?

First and foremost, the Essentials™ is USANA's core product. Composed of 2 bottles: Mega Antioxidant and Chelated Mineral, each has 112 tablets.

Mega Antioxidants is USANA's daily vitamins and antioxidants supplement while Chelated Minerals is USANA's daily mineral supplement for adults.

USANA's Essentials™has been repeatedly given top ranking is the NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.

So... What's really in the Essentials™??? Let's find out...

This is the label on the bottle of the Essentials' Mega Antioxidant

Mega Antioxidant Supplement Facts

while this is the label on the bottle of the Essentials' Chelated Minerals
Chelated Mineral Supplement Facts

Key Ingredients

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
    • Also known as lipoic acid (LA) or thioctic acid, is a vitamin-like antioxidant. Some refer to ALA as the "universal antioxidant" because it has the unique attribute of being both fat and water-soluble. Another unique aspect of ALA is its ability to regenerate other antioxidants back to active states, including vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione, and coenzyme Q10.
  • Beta Carotene
    • Beta carotene's role as an antioxidant is based on its extensive system of conjugated double bonds which, upon reacting with an oxygen atom, absorb and diffuse that oxygen's potentially destructive energy.
  • Bilberry Extract
    • The bilberry fruit (Vaccinium myrtillus) is rich in antioxidant anthocyanosides, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Bilberry has been shown to help maintain healthy capillaries, including those in the eye.
  • Biotin
    • Biotin plays an essential role in maintaining metabolic homeostasis by acting as a cofactor with enzymes involved in carboxylation reactions.
  • Boron
    • Boron is a non-metallic mineral present in the human body in trace amounts. Dietary boron influences the activity of many metabolic enzymes, certain hormones, and the metabolism of several micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.
      • Boron may play a role in osteoporosis prevention by reducing calcium excretion and increasing deposition of calcium in the bone.
    • Broccoli Concentrate
      • Indole-3-carbinol and isothiocyanates are sulfur-containing chemicals found in cruciferous (cabbage family) vegetables. These compounds are formed from parent compounds when cruciferous vegetables are crushed or cooked. Both are antioxidants, and both are believed to stimulate natural detoxifying enzymes in the body. Emerging research shows good evidence for these compounds being at least partially responsible for the lowered risk of cancer associated with consumption of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.
    • Bromelain
      • Bromelain is a general name for a family of sulfhydryl proteolytic enzymes (enzymes capable of digesting protein) obtained from the stem of the pineapple plant. Studies (in animals and in vitro) have demonstrated potential anti-tumoranti-inflammatoryanti-thrombotic and fibrinolytic activities.
    • Calcium
      • Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is needed for strength and structure of teeth and bones, blood clotting, nerve function, muscle contraction and relaxation, enzyme regulation, and membrane permeability.
    • Choline
      • Choline is a dietary component necessary for cell membrane integrity and facilitating the movement of fats into and out of cells. Choline is also a precursor for acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter in the brain. Choline also works with folic acidvitamin B12, and methionine in methyl group metabolism and maintenance of healthy homocysteine levels. Since high levels of homocysteine increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, an adequate intake of choline may be important in reducing risk.
    • Chromium
      • Chromium is an essential mineral known to potentiate insulin action. Recent reviews of chromium supplementation in humans have shown chromium to improve the efficiency of insulin and blood lipid profiles in most test subjects. Chromium is believed to exert this action by binding with nicotinic acid and amino acids (e.g. glutathione: glutamate, cysteine, and glycine) to form an organic complex called glucose tolerance factor (GTF). GTF is thought to initiate the disulfide bridge that allows insulin to bind to its receptor on cell membrane surfaces. The exact structure of GTF is not known, but complexes with good biological activity have been synthesized from chromium, niacin, and glutathione.
      • While the absorption of chromium is relatively poor, chelating chromium with various amino acids (or their derivatives) appears to increase its bioavailability. Ascorbic acid also promotes the absorption of chromium.
    • Cinnamon Extract, Pomegranate Extract
      • Cinnamon extract contains bioflavonoids (called proanthocyanidins) similar to the proanthocyanidins contained in grape seeds. The primary type of antioxidant contained in pomegranates is somewhat different from other compounds in USANA's bioflavonoid complex; as such, it adds to the overall biodiversity of the complex.
    • Coenzyme Q10
      • Coenzyme Q10 is also an antioxidant. Its ability to quench free radicals helps maintain the structural integrity and stability of cell membranes (including intracellular membranes). It is also capable of improving oxidation resistance of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Additional evidence suggests that Coenzyme Q10 uses its antioxidant capabilities to regenerate vitamin E.
      • CoQ10 supplementation has therapeutic benefits for several diseases. Some of the best-documented effects involve cases of heart failure, ischemic heart disease, certain muscular dystrophies, hypertension, and periodontal disease.
    • Copper
      • Copper indirectly functions as an antioxidant through its essential role in the superoxide dismutase (SOD) class of enzymes. Other biological roles for copper include oxidizing ferrous iron to ferric iron (a reaction needed for hemoglobin synthesis), and the formation of lysyl oxidase, a copper-requiring enzyme with roles in collagen synthesis and wound healing.
    • Folic Acid
      • Folic acid helps form the building blocks of DNA and RNA needed for protein synthesis in human cells. Rapidly growing tissues - such as those of a fetus - and rapidly regenerating cells - like red blood cells and immune cells - have an especially high need for folic acid.
    • Green Tea Extract
      • Green tea extract is rich source of catechins, a class of bioflavonoid compounds with strong antioxidant potential. Green tea catechins with the highest antioxidant activity are epigallocatechin-3-gallate, epicatechin-3-gallate, epigallocatechin and epicatechin.
    • Hesperidin
      • Hesperidin is a flavonoid found in the pith of unripe citrus fruits. Chemically, it is a complex of glucose and rhamnose with the flavonone hesperin. At one time it was called vitamin P, since it affects the fragility of capillary walls. (However, it is not technically a vitamin.)
    • Inositol
      • Inositol promotes the production of lecithin, which aids in the metabolism of fats and helps reduce blood cholesterol. With the help of choline, it protects the heart by helping to prevent the hardening of arteries. Research has also shown that inositol may help to reduce folate-resistant neural tube defects. Therefore, combining inositol with folate should further help to prevent the majority of neural tube defects.
    • Iodine
      • Iodine, a halogen element, has importance in human health as a component of the hormone thyroxine (produced by the human thyroid gland). Thyroxine is an important part of general metabolism regulation and normal fetal development.
    • Lycopene
      • The antioxidative properties of lycopene are well-documented. Many of the protective benefits of lycopene are due to its ability to protect against oxidative damage. Recent studies focusing on these protective characteristics have found a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer with an increased lycopene intake. Studies suggest that higher blood lycopene levels may be associated with reduced incidence of prostate, digestive tract, breast, lung, and cervical cancer.
    • Magnesium
      • Magnesium is an essential mineral for many fundamental processes in the body. It normally exists in the body as a charged particle (or ion) and is primarily stored in bones. Magnesium plays an integral role in hundreds of enzymatic functions and is important for nerve, muscle, and bone health.
      • Magnesium helps with the absorption of calcium and depends on vitamin D for its own absorption.
    • Manganese
      • Manganese performs a number of essential roles in cellular function and human metabolism. At the biochemical level, manganese functions both as a constituent of metallo-enzymes and an enzyme activator. It is an important constituent of an enzyme called manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) which helps protect tissues against oxidative damage.
    • Molybdenum
      • Molybdenum was first shown to be an essential mineral in 1953. Molybdenum functions primarily as an oxidizing agent, which gives it an important role in the electron transport component of oxidation-reduction reactions.
    • N Acetyl L Cysteine
      • N-acetyl L-cysteine is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine, one of the building blocks of glutathione. Glutathione deficiencies can be reversed through an increased intake of cysteine, and the most effective supplemental form is the cell-permeable form of N-acetyl-L-cysteine.
    • Niacin (Vitamin B3)
      • Niacin (nicotinic acid) and its derivative niacinamide (nicotinamide or nicotinic acid amide) are two forms of a water-soluble vitamin referred to as vitamin B3. Both compounds are precursors for the active forms of important enzyme cofactors (coenzymes) that assist in catalyzing oxidation-reduction reactions in human cells.
    • Olivol
      • Olivol contains polyphenols derived from olives. The polyphenolic antioxidants found in olives are not present in other common dietary sources. They are structurally distinct from vitamins, carotenoids, bioflavanoids, proanthocyanidins, and other antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants may be one of the components of the Mediterranean diet associated with health and longevity.
    • Omega-3 Fatty Acid, DHA, EPA
      • Fatty acids are long-chain carbon compounds with a non-polar carbon tail and a polar head. The human body can produce most important fatty acids from components found in the average diet. However, there are two fatty acids humans cannot produce, meaning they must be obtained from dietary sources. These two acids - called "essential fatty acids" - are Linoleic Acid (LA) an omega-6 fatty acid, andalpha-linolenic acid (ALA, not to be confused with alpha-lipoic acid) an omega-3 fatty acid.
      • Alpha-linolenic acid is the starting material for the biosynthesis of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two important polyunsaturated fatty acids. Alpha-linolenic acid, EPA, and DHA are the main members of the omega-3 family of fatty acids.
    • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
      • Pantothenic acid (sometimes referred to as vitamin B5) is a water-soluble nutrient widely synthesized by plants and many bacteria, and essential in the diets of all vertebrate animals, including man.
      • As a component of coenzyme A, pantothenic acid is essential for the production of energy from carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Its pivotal role in energy metabolism involves the formation of acetyl CoA, which in turn combines with oxaloacetic acid to form citrate. This reaction initiates the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) which ultimately leads to the production of ATP, the cell's principal energy currency.
    • Quercetin
      • Quercetin belongs to a group of polyphenolic substances known as flavonoids, and is specifically found in a class of flavonoids called flavonols.
    • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
      • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) functions primarily as part of two coenzymes: flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN). These coenzymes participate in oxidation-reduction reactions needed for the production of energy from glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids.
    • Selenium
      • Selenium is a trace element that functions as part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, a vital antioxidant system that protects cell membranes.
    • Silicon
      • The most important functions appear to be in the growth and development of bone, cartilage, and connective tissue, where silicon plays both a metabolic and structural role.
      • Silicon also appears to be required for the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the protein matrix found in connective tissue and cartilage, and it is the single most abundant protein in the human body. Silicon promotes the synthesis of proline and hydroxyproline, principal amino acids in the structure of collagen.
    • Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
      • Vitamin B1, also called thiamin or thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin required for normal energy metabolism and cell division. Thiamin is involved in the production of five-carbon sugars required for synthesis of DNA and RNA, and it plays a role in fatty acid synthesis.
    • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
      • Vitamin B6 is an essential water-soluble B vitamin. Vitamin B6 ultimately plays a key role in general human metabolism and health. Primary processes mediated by vitamin B6 include the generation of glucose from glycogen, the synthesis of niacin (vitamin B3), lipid metabolism, nervous system function, hormone modulation, and immune function.
    • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
      • Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble B vitamin essential for human health and well-being. Vitamin B12 works alongside folic acid and vitamin B6 in the maintenance of homocysteine levels, an independent risk factor of cardiovascular disease.
    • Vitamin C (Mineral Ascorbates)
      • Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid or ascorbate, plays two important roles in the body. First, it is a cofactor or cosubstrate for eight enzyme systems involved in various functions, including collagen synthesis, ATP synthesis in mitochondria, and hormone biosynthesis. Second, vitamin C is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant with a vital role in protecting cells and tissues from damaging oxidizing agents, including superoxides, hydroxyl radicals, and other free radicals.
      • Related functions performed by vitamin C include regenerating vitamin E to its active state, promoting iron absorption in the intestines by keeping iron in its reduced form, and participation in DNA transcription and protein synthesis regulation.
    • Vitamin D
      • A unique property of vitamin D is that it functions very much like a hormone. Its target tissues include the kidneys, intestines, and bones, where it helps regulate calcium and phosphorus homeostasis.
      • Vitamin D is an essential component of bone health in both children and adults. Without vitamin D, bones do not calcify properly, leading to the condition known as "rickets." Vitamin D also plays an important role in tooth development. 
    • Vitamin E
      • Vitamin E, unlike other vitamins, is not a cofactor in the function of specific enzyme systems. Rather, it is a potent antioxidant that protects cells and tissues from oxidative damage induced by free radicals. D-alpha tocopherol is one of eight natural forms of vitamin E, and it is the form shown to have the greatest nutritional and biological value, in part because the body preferentially retains it.
    • Vitamin K
      • Vitamin K is an essential cofactor for enzymatic activity. It assists in the enzymatic carboxylation of glutamic acid, an amino acid found in most proteins. This carboxylation occurs after the amino acid has been incorporated into the protein chain. The added carboxyl (-COOH) groups provide a site at which calcium can bind to the protein. Through the above activity, vitamin K is involved in converting an inactive precursor of prothrombin (blood coagulation factor II) into biologically active prothrombin.
    • Zinc
      • Zinc is a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes needed for cell function in the eyes, kidneys, muscles, skin, and bones. As a component of metalloenzymes, zinc provides structural integrity to the enzyme and/or participates directly in the reaction at the catalytic site.

    In order for us to take care of our love ones, we must first take care of ourselves. All of these vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants are present in USANA's Essentials™ so our bodies can receive the basic nutrition it needs. Don't you think your body deserves to be treated good? :)

    Tuesday, July 5, 2016

    USANA: What is it really?

    You may see this word mostly on the internet and maybe you're wondering what it is. Well, it may be a familiar word so for some people, but for people who may not know about it, I'll give you some brief description.

    What is USANA?
    The word USANA came from the Latin/Greek words "eu" meaning "True" and "sana" meaning "Health", USANA stands for "True Health".
    USANA is a company founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, that manufactures highly-rated pharmaceutical grade cellular nutrition products and natural supplements. Its manufacturing facility is on Salt Lake City, Utah USA where among 97 pharmaceutical companies, it ranked No. 1

    "I dream of a world free from the pain and suffering of degenerative disease. Share my vision. Love life and live it to its fullest in happiness and health." - Dr. Myron Wentz, visionary, scientist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur

    USANA distributes their product through the channel of direct selling and network marketing

     What is Network Marketing?
    Network Marketing is a system of moving products from factory to consumer thru an organization of users, retailers, and network builders
    It is a business strategy that compensates distributors not only for the sales they generate but also for the sales of the distributors they have recruited.
     Many people have some misconceptions about Network Marketing.
    Upon registering/joining, people always have the idea of "getting rich quick". If YOU have the same mindset as those people, better not join. I'll tell you here and now, IT IS NOT EASY. USANA IS NOT EASY
    Another common misconception on Network Marketing is, it is solely based on recruiting new members. Analyze first. If the company you've joined, or will be joining, is more on recruiting new members rather than selling its products, better question where the money is coming from.

    In USANA, each product has its own unique selling proposition which make it really sellable. Let's take The Essentials for example. It is the company's core product. Having a 5-Gold star rating in the Nutrisearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, it is considered to be "Best of the Best". It also has USANA’s proprietary, patented Olivol™ olive fruit extract which no other product in the market has.

    USANA's products are listed in some medical professional references like the Physicians' Desk Reference and Philippine Pharmaceutical Directory.
    USANA has been in the market since 1992. If this company is a scam, another misconception, would it last this long? Would it still be doing researches on improving their products? In my opinion, NO and NO.

    Here in the Philippines, USANA started around 2009. But its products are already around, coming from the US. Its office is located at the HSBC Enterprise Building Tower 1 in Makati.

    USANA is also listed in NYSE. It first entered the stock market in 2011.

    USANA also received, and still receiving, awards like "Best of State", "Best Places to Work", "Best Companies to work for", "Most powerful CEOs 40 & under", "Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences", etc.

    To date, there are 1000+ Elite athletes and celebrities who trust their health to USANA.

    USANA also has the True Health FoundationIts mission is to provide the most critical human necessities—nutrition, clothing, shelter, medical assistance, and health education to those who are suffering or in need.

    After all these, I hope I've given some enough details on what USANA really is, what does it do, and why I joined it.

    To know more about USANA, you can visit my site. Thanks!

    Sunday, July 3, 2016

    Toxic! One of the most overused and least understood words in health.

    PS: Below are not mine. I forgot where I got it. I just want to share it. Happy reading! :D

    Toxic! One of the most overused and least understood words in health. 

    Let’s start with a quiz. Of these 10 items, how many are toxic?

    1.  Water  
    2. Oxygen  
    3. The sun  
    4. titanium dioxide  
    5. Iron  
    6. Cyanide  
    7. Alcohol  
    8. Vitamin A  
    9. Formaldehyde  
    10. chocolate

    The answer to all of them is: it depends. Whether something is toxic or not depends on the dosage, the route of exposure, and sometimes, the length of exposure. Let me explain.

    Water – we all know we’re supposed to drink plenty of clean water. Without adequate hydration you will die. But, if you inhale it, it can be deadly. There are also cases of death related to intake of too much water too fast.

    Oxygen – we need a certain level of oxygen in the air we breathe to survive. The mixture in the atmosphere is about 20%, along with nitrogen and other gases. But, breathing pure oxygen too long can cause cell damage and death, especially in the central nervous system, lungs and eyes.

    Sun – obvious we need the sun to survive, for many reasons. And, an adequate level of exposure to sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D for most people on earth. On the other hand, solar radiation is a class 1 carcinogen, meaning it is known to cause cancer.

    Titanium dioxide – too much lung exposure to nanoparticles can cause cancer. This is typically associated with inhalation due to industrial chronic exposure. It is not absorbed orally or dermal, and is basically inert through those routes of exposure.

    Iron – an essential mineral absolutely necessary for survival. It is also one of the top causes of poisoning deaths among children.

    Cyanide – We all know cyanide can be deadly. But small amounts are easily complexed and excreted through the urine, and it does not accumulate. And that is good, because many healthy foods contain cyanide; spinach, bamboo shoots, flax seeds, cassava, and others.

    Alcohol (ethanol) – moderate intakes may be beneficial for health, yet it is also classified as a class 1 carcinogen.

    Vitamin A – excessive amounts can be toxic to the liver, yet vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of childhood blindness in the world. By the way, toxic effects of vitamin A are not known to occur in adults with intakes below about 25,000-30,000 IU. The upper limit of 10,000 IU, especially during pregnancy, takes into consideration a huge margin of safety. Vitamin A is not nearly as toxic as it is often implied.

    Formaldehyde  - also a class 1 carcinogen, but you may not be aware that it is found in significant dosages in many fruits, berries, seafood and mushrooms. In addition, formaldehyde is involved with methylation reactions and biosynthesis of some proteins and nucleic acids in the body and is a normal constituent in our blood.

    Chocolate – with the exception of gaining weight, too much chocolate won’t do you any harm. However, it can be highly toxic to dogs and some other animals. The point is, that just because a specific poison works to kill a plant or an insect, does not automatically mean it is poisonous to humans.

    Also, be aware that just because two chemicals sound the same, does not mean they have similar safety characteristics.

    Propylene glycol and ethylene glycol – propylene glycol is absorbed and metabolized rapidly in the liver to lactic acid and pyruvic acid (normal components of the citric acid cycle) and then further to carbon dioxide and water.  On the other hand, ethylene glycol is acutely toxic and can severely damage the kidneys.

    One more example, just because something is “almost” the same structure, does not make it similar. Water is H2O, and adding a single oxygen makes is H2O2, or hydrogen peroxide.

    Last thought. A statement I’ve heard consistently over the past 35 years. “If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.” The length or complexity of a name has no relation whatsoever to its safety, function or benefit. Nor does the fact that it is natural or synthetic.

    Simple to pronounce – Polonium 210 – deadly at dosages of less than 1 billionth of a gram.
    Scary sounding chemical - 2-methyl-3-[(2E)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-en-1-yl]naphthoquinone, or Vitamin K.

    Yes, we are exposed to a lot of various toxic and unhealthy compounds as a part of normal life, which is part of the reason it is important to exercise and get sufficient nutrients through diet and supplement to support the function of our lungs, liver and kidneys (our normal routes of detoxification). 

    I hope this helps illustrate that “toxic” is a relative term. Most healthy things are potentially toxic, and most “toxic” things are potentially harmless. It’s the dose, route of exposure, and length of time exposed and other factors that is the difference between harmless and harmful.

    Thursday, June 30, 2016

    Breathing Air In The City

    It's almost been 2 years since we bought our motorcycle bike. My father use it to take me to my office in Makati via C5-Kalayaan. During the early years, I don't mind the cleanliness of the air as I am "already used to it." In my mind, pollution is already normal. But as time passes by, pollution in the city is getting worse by the second. One factor can be attributed to the increase number of vehicles may it be for public or private use. This increase in number also caused additional traffic. 

    Pollution, specifically air pollution, as we all know it, can cause some serious health condition on our bodies. 

    According to Spare The Air, these are some of the health problems/effect we can have.

    High air pollution levels can cause immediate health problems:

    • Aggravated cardiovascular and respiratory illness
    • Added stress to heart and lungs, which must work harder to supply the body with oxygen
    • Damaged cells in the respiratory system

    Long-term exposure to polluted air can have permanent health effects:

    • Accelerated aging of the lungs
    • Loss of lung capacity
    • Decreased lung function
    • Development of diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and possibly cancer
    • Shortened life span
    Exposure or prolonged exposure to air pollution can really cause some serious damage especially to our lungs and heart as well.

    Again, as I've said, air pollution isn't the only one causing us bad health but also the stress coming from the traffic during our travel to the city.


    During the past few months, I've noticed some people wearing gas/face masks. This isn't the "normal" thing here in the Philippines. Well, I guess people now are getting more aware of their health and that is a good thing.

    I may as well buy one because I'm just using my hanky to cover my nose during travel. Also when I got home, I always take it into consideration to take in USANA's Essentials. The reason? It's already stated above. I don't want again to be "used to it" and ignore my health. We are all getting older by the day.

    "We must first take care of ourselves before we could take care of others"

    This is true. In order for us to take care of other people, especially our love ones, we must first take care of ourselves.
    And though there's so much pollution and stress around us nowadays, I know I can trust my health to the #1 health supplement.

    Monday, June 27, 2016


    PROGLUCAMUNE - Everyday Immune Defence

    As of June 2016, USANA's new Immune Optimizer Product – USANA ProglucamuneTM has been officially launched here in the Philippines. 
    USANA ProglucamuneTM was first launched at USANA Australia on July 2015. 

    With the addition of the new immune optimiser, ‪#‎Proglucamune‬, USANA now offers a 3-phase approach with products that work together to support immunity. 
    USANA’s 3-tiered Approach to Immunity: 
    1. Support immune cells with optimal nutrition, such as vitamins C and; D-found in USANA Essentials and Proflavanol C100. 
    2. Help support a healthy barrier by nurturing a balanced gut flora and ousting harmful bacteria with USANA Probiotic. 
    3. Help immune cells work faster and more efficiently by strengthening them with USANA’s unique optimizer Proglucamune.

    So, what are the ingredients of this Immune Optimizer?
    1. Baker's Yeast Extract
    2. Reishi Mushroom 
    3. Shitake Mushroom 
    4.  Zinc
    PS: Usana's Proglucamune is registered on Philippine Food and Drug Administration.

    USANA ProglucamuneTM Benefits:
    • Helps support a healthy immune system and improves general well-being. 
    • May assist in the management of upper respiratory tract infections in physically active people and people susceptible to upper respiratory tract infections

    • May assist in reducing the severity and duration of symptoms associated with colds and flu

    • Reishi has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a tonic to replenish Qi

    • Vegetarian safe
    Directions: Adults, Take two(2) tablets daily, preferably with meals.

    Monday, June 6, 2016

    You Squared - 3 Uncommon actions we must take

    An excerpt from You Squared

    3 Uncommon Actions We Must Take To Create Exponential Results

    • Stop Believing What You See
    Quite the ironic action right? Most of us, if not all, are raised to believe in everything we see. Also the saying goes like, "To see is to believe". What we see must be real so therefore we should believe in it. It's logical alright. But with regards to what we want, which, in sense, is futuristic and "not yet real", we must switch from believing what we see to "believe and you will see" thinking. Many successful people has this kind of mindset. They first believed, did what they have to do and soon they got the results they wanted.
    One good example for this is the Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur. They wanted to fly. They believed they can fly but no one around believed them. Other people not believing of their idea didn't stop them from what they believe. They did the things they have to do and soon, they flew and everyone around them cannot believe what they saw.
    "We think thoughts. Group of thoughts are ideas. Ideas create feelings. Feelings generates the impetus for action through our body. Our actions create results in our outer world." 
    • Quit Trying Harder
    Again, quite the ironic action. But it's not. We just need to adjust our thinking of "hard work". 
    The normal definition of "hard work" would be, the amount of effort we put into something we do. On the other hand, what advice is trying to define is that, we lessen the amount of "same effort" we use and improve the "type of effort" we put it.
    "It's not about doing certain things, it's about doing things in certain way"
    • Expect Your Breakthrough
    In my previous blog, Ask...Believe...Receive..., I've written that in order to receive what we've asked for, we must put in the "belief". Believing that what we've asked for will come. Expect your breakthrough. Take actions in order to get that. The Wright brothers didn't just desired or asked to fly. They took actions other people won't take and they've received their results. They got their breakthrough.
    "When you combine desire and expectation, you activate a hidden intelligence that puts you in touch with the ways and means to materialize your desire." 

    Tuesday, May 31, 2016

    And here comes the rainy season~

    "Rain rain go away! Come again some other day! Little children wants to play, rain rain go away!"

    Above is one of the many songs which is famous among children, especially when it's summer time. Summer time is also vacation time for most children which are also students. It is the time when they can go outside all day just to play. Children are known for their almost unending stamina. They "never" get tired. They are unstoppable when playing! But there's one thing that can stop them. One thing that, even parents who are having a hard time dealing with their child, would never want it for them. And that thing is Sickness

    In our times right now, it is hard to predict the weather. One time it's sunny, then suddenly it's rainy. Children, even though they have the energy, are the easy target of sickness especially when their immune system is weak.

    Some parents tend to give their children enough food to eat. To some, enough food means enough nutrition. But in today's environment, it's not the case anymore. Food has been served with more preservatives than we know. Fruits and vegetables doesn't contain the same nutrients compared to few decades ago. Our surroundings are getting more polluted than ever. Our lifestyles are more likely becoming sedentary. Thus, even us adults are also prone to sickness. And this I can justify to this as I've observed some people getting sick because of the weather.

    Rainy season has suddenly begun a few weeks ago following the beyond the record summer time. This resulted in sudden change in environment resulting to our body's sudden adjustment. For people who are taking care of their health regularly this adjustment is nothing, but for people who are not prioritizing the health are easily affected by these climate changes. Common colds, runny nose, viral infections, are just some of the common illnesses during the rainy seasons.

     We adults, not just children, may think that when we eat "enough", it will give us the right nutrition to strengthen our body's immune system but it's not. It will not.

    In today's time, we must take a closer look at ourselves. Assess ourselves, our body. Is it healthy? Can it stand firmly in this weather? What does it need to be healthy again? Only us can answer these questions to ourselves.

    Remember, life is too short to be living in sickness. Take care and live healthy!

    Monday, May 30, 2016


    Ask => Believe => Receive

    We, as human beings, are always asking. May it be consciously or unconsciously.
    As children, we are always asking about the things around us. "What's that called?", "Why are you sad?", "How does that happened?", etc. And we are continually asking throughout our lives. May it be questions that make us curious, it can also be things that we want. 

    In Matthew 7:7(NKJV), it is stated that, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.". And in Matthew 21:22(NKJV), it is also stated that, "And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

    Looking at the first Bible verse, it is stated that we only have to "ask" and then we will "receive". While on the latter verse, it is stated that there should be a middle action, in which it is "believing".

    In other references, believing can also be defined as "taking action". Without believing that you will receive what you've asked for, or without taking any action in line to the "things" you want, is like a wishful thinking.

    Ask => Take Actions => Receive

    As as example, when a person wants to be a good writer, he will first want it, ask for it. When he starts taking actions like reading famous writer's work, consistently writing and practicing, etc., taking actions toward becoming a good writer, sooner than later, he will be one.

    Some people may become bored, tired, and hopeless along the way. The sole reason for this is simply because people starts thinking, "it's taking too long". That is why the middle stage of Ask-Believe-Receive is very important and a must. Believe in what you've asked for and you will receive whatever it is.

    Sometimes, during the process, when there's only one more step, one more action to take before we get the thing(s) we want, we stop. Tired to go on but have the strength to go back. Remember, the temptation to quit or to stop is at it's greatest when what we've asked for is just around the corner.

    "Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive." - Leah LaBelle

    Tuesday, May 24, 2016

    3 Simple Ways To Stay Healthy

    Upon reading books and watching videos, I found out that there are 3 simple ways to stay healthy. But sometimes, these 3 ways are, although already common, still ignored.

    simple ways to stay healthy
    • Avoid stress
    • Exercise Regularly
    • Proper Diet

    Avoid Stress

    Stress is almost everywhere nowadays. The noise of our neighbors from the time we wake up, to the things left unclean the night before. From the sudden unexpected traffic we encounter on our way to work, to having an unwanted overtime. Stress is everywhere. So if it's already there, accept it. Let it just passed through you. Don't let it sink within you. You don't have the whole day thinking about it and disregarding more important things to do. Avoid stress.

    Exercise Regularly

    Regular exercise doesn't mean you have to enroll to a gym class or zumba dance class and go to it at least 3x a week. Most people literally don't have "time" for such classes. So what can we do alternatively? Walking. Walking at least 30 mins a day can be an alternative regular exercise especially to those who are just sitting the whole day in their offices. Walking can also be a stress reliever when things are getting though at work! You avoid stress and you're exercising regularly.

    Proper Diet

    In our busy world today, time is very limited especially to does who work. Break times are very limited. From 10 mins mini breaks, to an hour of lunch time. So in times like this most people just tend to buy from fast-food chains. And because of this, people often find themselves with "more" time and will just use it for having short time naps. Remember, proper diet comes from proper food that we eat and what we eat is what we may become.

    From the food we eat, we get nutrition. Nutrition goes into our cells.

    Healthy Cells => Healthy Tissues => Healthy Organs => Healthy Body 

    In short, keeping our cells healthy will, in turn, keep our body healthy!


    Sometimes when I'm alone, I start thinking of deep of things around me. Random thoughts comes in my head. And sometimes random thoughts become poem.

    It was a night at our company outing last December 12, 2015 when I decided to have a "me time". I went to the seaside and even though it's dark, I still went to walk. I even went around the resort while all of them, my office mates, are having fun. Well, it's "me time" oh right.

    When I went back to our room, there I started typing on my phone this poem, which I then submitted to The Hopia Diaries in Twitter and it goes like this...


    Sitting here all alone, in this sandy seaside
    Closed eyes, listening to the tiny waves
    Just sitting here thinking of nothing

    I opened my eyes and looked up in the sky
    Seeing this beautiful starry starry night
    This time I thought of something

    I wish you were here sitting beside me
    Leaning your head on my shoulder
    Telling you what happened to me this day

    But these will all just be some wishful thinking
    Not because you're not here now
    But because you will never be by my side again.

    I wanted my poem to be added to their collection of poems. I was quite inspired by poems posted by the admins of that Twitter page and some other people who also submitted their piece.

    And so I waited the remaining days of December and nothing was posted. Feeling a bit frustrated, I didn't expect anymore. Maybe it's not good enough compared to their work and it's fine by me. I'll try again sometime. :)

    Then January 5 came and I've gotten a notification that I was tagged on a tweet and boom! It's my poem! Yey! Happy me!

    Here's the link to that tweet.

    PS: During those times, I am an ALDUB fan. (rofl)

    Saturday, April 2, 2016

    Why should we prioritize our Health?

    In this fast-changing world we live in today, we tend to neglect our Health. We are too busy in our works. Having our breaks and eating on fast-food because of the limited time we have.

    I, for one, am guilty of this habit. During lunch breaks, we tend to go to a fast-food chain to buy our lunches. There are even times that I don't go out for lunch at noon because of work, but afterwards, I go out. (Yes, we can have our lunch even after lunch time) Because of our work and busy schedule, we tend to neglect our health by not eating properly or on time. We deprioritize our body which is our main tool for working. We sometimes work so hard that stress is already getting over us, which in turn, have more negative impact on our body health.

    For me, our body is our main tool in life. With our body, we work, we play, we travel. If our body is sick, we can't do anything. So prioritizing our body health is a must!

    In the World Health Ranking, the Philippines' profile listed some of the main causes of death.

    TOP 10 CAUSES OF DEATHRateWorld Rank
    1.Coronary Heart Disease
    3.Influenza and Pneumonia
    4.Diabetes Mellitus
    7.Lung Disease
    8.Kidney Disease
    9.Breast Cancer

    Most of these causes are effects of unhealthy diet & poor lifestyle. Some people may not have these diseases in the beginning but through their diet and lifestyle, they acquired it. Some people may have it through hereditary process. But nonetheless, these can be prevented.

    Eating the right food and getting the right amount of nutrients is the thing to do. Eating vegetables & fruits, restricting ourselves from fatty & sugary foods. But just eating isn't enough. We should take note of the nutrients we are getting from the food we eat. It must be at least at the recommended level. And before we get to getting the recommended level of nutrients from the food we eat, it will require us to take/eat huge amounts of veggies and fruits and not all of us can buy it on a daily basis. That's why we need supplements. By taking food supplements, we can get the daily recommended nutrition our body needs which in turn gives us the energy to do things that we want.

    Personally, I'm taking the USANA® Essentials™. It is formulated with the right amount of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants which are very good to the body. It is a food supplement specially designed for cellular nutrition and we all know that our entire body is made up of trillions of cells. And giving the right amount of nutrients for these cells must be our top priority if we want to have a healthy body.

    I'm also sharing it to my parents as their health is also my priority. Our parents are already aging and we need to take care of them.

    So, are you prioritizing you health? If not, think again.

    Thoughts on joining USANA and XTRM 1-11

    What is USANA? Some may know, some may not. So let's me introduce it first.

    USANA is a company that manufactures highly-rated pharma-grade cellular nutrition and natural supplements. It was founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz.
    USANA distributes their products through the channel of Direct Selling and Network Marketing.

    Networking Marketing or Networking as most people would call it. Here in the Philippines, that word would bring negative connotation and I am very well aware of it. I have been introduced(but haven't joined any) to it.

    One experience was that, when me and my friends from college are looking for some part-time job, my friend's friend informed him that she can help. All we know is that we will be applying for an "encoder" position. We went to the place and then it turned out to be a presentation. At first we don't know anything about it so we just stayed and listened. The presentation was good that we were amazed by how much money we could make. We even stood up when asked who want to get rich. But in the end, it requires us to give out some "big" money at the time. I can't recall the exact amount but for us during that time, that amount of money is way too big for us to give. And we are even looking for some part-time job!

    One more experience is that when my girlfriend, Yen, was looking for a new job. Someone called her, saying that a friend recommended her and said that if she could attend to a job interview. At that time she said yes. She was even advised to wear a formal attire. On the day of the said "job interview", I accompanied her to the building and because it will just be an interview, I said to her that I will be waiting her. When we arrived at the specified place, right after we went out of the elevator, I already sensed something fishy. But still, we continued. We looked for the person who called Yen and then, he told me that I can join in. In the back of my mind, "this is suppose to be a job interview for Yen so, why am I included?". And then he led us to the seats inside the room and asked us to just stay put and relax. We couldn't get out because he was there at the door looking at us. And so the presentation began! And because we were already kinda pissed-off, we weren't listening that much. We just wanted it to end ASAP.

    When I was introduced to USANA last January, I already knew what was I was going to attend to. A Networking. But then I wasn't pissed-off or something. I was just normal. The way the presenter, my upline now, invited me was normal. She mentioned that it will be a presentation about Usana so there's already a transparency. Before the presentation, we were toured around the Usana office. By the way, Usana PH is at 9th & 24th floor of The Enterprise Center in Makati City.

    During the presentation, I was amazed about the company especially the founder. Then came the product presentation. Each product is amazing on it's own. At first, I liked the Essentials, for overall body nutrition, and Visionex for my eye health. Even the compensation plan is great! Having 6 ways to earn(Retail, Weekly commission, Matching Bonus, Travel Incentives, Leadership Bonus, Elite Bonus) is so much!

    After the presentation, we were asked whether we wanted to join. At the time, we don't have any extra money for it but we don't have any negative feedback for it. And then we just went back to our office.

    Days passed, I was thinking whether to join or not. I don't know how to get the money for it and I also have to pay for the house I applied for monthly, and all I have is my job as the source of my money. So think think think. I then asked/prayed to God to give me a sign whether I would join or not. Then one day at the office, I suddenly remembered about my possible application for the SSS loan. Right then and there, I though this was the sign I'm asking  so I joined USANA.

    Being in USANA is one thing, but being in the team, XTRM 1-11 is one big thing! Knowing the vision of one of the founders of the our team, Mentor Billy De la Fuente, I'm viewing this year as a BIG YEAR for us! Having partnership with some big names like Technomarine, BPI, Sun Cellular, and the author of The Meta Secret, Dr. Mel Gill.

    I'm really looking forward for a great year and more years to come!

    "List 3 Things That You Want"

    Some time in October/November 2015, our Team Leader asked us to write down 3 things that we want to have in our lives.
    Here are the things I wrote:

    1. Own house
    2. Business
    3. To travel around the Philippines (then around the world)

    Own house 

    I want my own house simply because I wanted to have something mine in the future. I also wanted my family(my parents and me) to transfer to somewhere more "comfortable". 

    Then came the last week of November. On a Saturday night my girlfriend, Yen, told me that we should go on a free house tripping at Cavite. At first I was hesitant simply because, I'm quite lazy at the time. But what can I say? So the next day, Sunday, we went to that free house tripping by RMDC Realty. By the end of the day, we decided to apply for 2 houses(one for each other). And because this is a pre-selling type, in 2 years I'll be owning my first house!

    After a bit of thinking, the #1 on my list is crossed-out! :D


    During the last quarter of 2015, I've been constantly complaining(inside my head) about the tax on my payslip. Well, that is to be expected already. There's always a TAX! But as much as possible, I wanted to see WHERE MY/OUR TAXES ARE GOING. *sigh*... moving on. 

    During those times, the name of Robert Kiyosaki has been ringing around me(especially in our office). And the book of him, Rich Dad Poor Dad. I've told my girlfriend, Yen, about this book and I was surprised to know that she is already reading it. So I've asked for a copy(PDF). Well, as some of my friends know me, I not really a fan of reading on PDFs. I prefer real tangible books, although I'm not a book worm either. Then one time in our office, I saw a book titled Rich Dad's Guide to Investing. It was authored by Robert Kiyosaki. I then asked my office mate if I can borrow the book and I was permitted. Yey! When I got home, I've started reading it and took down some notes. At first I was overwhelmed with the terms used. (O.O) but still continued. (disclaimer: I didn't finished the book). While reading, the books Rich Dad Poor Dad and Cashflow Quadrant was always cited. So in my mind, maybe I should first read those books before this. 

    One time in December, me and Yen went to National Book Store to look for a book of Robert Kiyosaki, Second Chance. We saw it and checked for it's price. We also saw the books I've mentioned earlier and some other books. Then I saw a set of books(3-books set) and without thinking much, I bought it!

    Reading Rich Dad Poor Dad made me realize things around me. Especially the one I'm always complaining about, TAX. Rich Dad Poor Dad also made me change my view on money and gave me one simple tip, a startup tip, for getting rich. "You must know the difference between an Asset & a Liability, and buy Assets."

    Another tip is to have Passive Income and Multiple Income Stream. 

    Starting a business is one way in generating a new income stream. And this January I was introduce to Usana and started doing it.

    Here in the Philippines, the word "Networking" or "Network Marketing" has been receiving a lot negative connotation/reviews from a lot of people. Yes, that's for sure because I was once against being involve in one because of certain personal reasons. But for some reason, during/after the business presentation/orientation, I was amazed at it. It made me think "How can I start this?", "Where am I going to get the money to start this?"

    Even before the presentation/orientation, I was already using the Essentials and it's been good for me especially when there are times that we will be working late at night or until morning. It's giving me the energy I needed the next day.

    Doing the business part-time, 2nd item in my list, crossed-out! :D

    To travel around the Philippines (then around the world)

    I am the kind of person who wants to travel. With my girlfriend Yen, we've been to many places already(well, not that many compared to others XD). We've been to Baguio, Puerto Galera, Palawan(Puerto Prinsesa & El Nido), Baler, Cebu, Sagada, etc. And still planning on going to some other places we've never been. I'm really looking forward to it! :D

    And I guess, the 3rd item on my list would take some time to be crossed-out :D haha!

    Vitamin Deficiency & Supplementation

    According to wikipedia : "A vitamin deficiency can cause a disease or syndrome known as an avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis . This us...